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Montana Rocket Run 2014


Seasoned Member
Oct 17, 2008
Billings, Montana
My XLR/V(s)
2007 Red Jewel XLR
Guess it's about time to start thinking about the Montana run in Billings in 2014. Am thinking about late July, early August. Figured I'd throw this out and see what dates work best...
Bruce... could you make this a sticky for me? thanks

1. Mtrocket & Mrs Mtrocket (Rod & Cindy)
2. Patrick 2221 (Patrick & Janet)
3. WB6BBZ (Jack & ? +1)
4. Busaman (Tim & Barbara?)
5. Madmac (Brian & June)
6. Popbigguy (Chad & Rogene)
7. CNC (Charles & Shirley)
8. Black Brutus (Pat and Joanne)
9. Markski - joining at Buck's T-4 in Big Sky

The itinerary will be similar to that of the Montana Spring Drive 2013 that I had to postpone because of my burn accident. Dates of the drive will be August 3-10, 2014.

My itinerary is for everyone to be in Billings by the afternoon/evening of Sunday, August 3. We are planning a welcome reception at our house that evening. The week will look like this:
August 4: Day trip over Beartooth Highway, lunch in Cooke City, back to Billings by way of Chief Joseph Highway. Round trip around 280 miles.
August 5: Day trip over Burgess Junction - Wyoming Highway 14 - Itinerary addition: returning via Wyoming Highway 14A, making stop to view Big Horn Canyon at Black Canyon overlook.
August 6: Day trip to Custer Battlefield (50 miles away) and Pompeys Pillar (80 miles from Custer Battlefield to Pompeys Pillar then on 30 miles back to Billings) (light day of traveling). Or Moss Mansion tours, Western Heritage Center, Yellowstone Art Museum. Itinerary addition: 5-8PM... XLR car show at Yellowstone Cellars Winery, Billings
August 7-8: Travel to Yellowstone National Park, entering at Gardiner, MT, coming out at West Yellowstone, MT, spending two nights at Bucks T-4 Lodge in Big Sky.
August 9: Travel back to Billings - lunch in Bozeman.
August 10: travel home.

Hotel information:

Crowne Plaza Billings
27 N 27th Street
Billings, MT 59101
Mention "Montana Rocket Run" for these rates:
August 3-6 and 9 $119+taxes
A block of 20 rooms/nt have been set aside for our group. On 7/20/2014 the remaining block not reserved will be turned back to normal inventory.
The hotel has agreed to close off the rear parking lot of their hotel just for our group's parking.

Buck's T-4 Lodge
Block of 20 rooms reserved under "Montana Rocket Run", consisting of 7 Deluxe King rooms (I already reserved one of the King rooms for Cindy & I) and 12 Deluxe 2 Queen rooms in the West Building. Incidentally, there are ONLY 8 Deluxe King rooms available in the wing in which all rooms are blocked. There are, however, 3 King Suites available in a different wing available at an increased cost; these King Suites have NOT been held for this event. A credit card number will be required for one night's lodging; cancellation policy is ONE WEEK prior to the event, July 31, 2014, to avoid charges. Rooms not reserved by July 7, 2014 will be released, but rooms can still be reserved on a "room available" basis at the rates below. The rates are as follows - both rooms are the same rate:

Singles - 118.30
Doubles - 118.30
Triple - 138.30
Quad - 158.30

If you have any trouble getting these rates, have the reservation host contact Valerie Edwards.

I have reserved the private Gallatin Room at my expense at Buck's T-4 on the evening of August 7 for dinner as a group as a thank you for your making the trip out to Montana. However, your dinner expense will be up to each of you. Trust me, you will NOT be let down by the food here, it is exquisite!!!
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Guess it's about time to start thinking about the Montana run in Billings in 2014. Am thinking about late July, early August. Figured I'd throw this out and see what dates work best...
Bruce... could you make this a sticky for me? thanks

Count Me IN:laugh::laugh:
Guess it's about time to start thinking about the Montana run in Billings in 2014. Am thinking about late July, early August. Figured I'd throw this out and see what dates work best...
Bruce... could you make this a sticky for me? thanks

1. Mtrocket & Mrs Mtrocket (Rod & Cindy)
2. Patrick 2221 (Patrick & Janet)

3. WB6BBZ (Jack & ? +1)
Count us in.....we will be there depending on when!

Personally the end of July or the first half of August, although you may want to try to avoid the Sturgis Bike Rally Week crowd.

I am getting a knee replacment this October 1st, (the day after I get back from the Bowling Green gathering) then the second knee will be done in late May or early June of 2014 so I need recoup time.....PLUS we annually attend the Syracuse Nationals with a crew of friends, it is the weekend of July 20th....can't miss that- Steve would throw a fit :willy_nilly:and so would I :willy_nilly: and I can take classic car to that show that can hold a scooter in the back if I need it!

I know it is NOT all about Sandy........but you asked! :blinzel:
Count my wife and me in. Whether she'll end up going depends on exogenous events, but let's reserve her a place anyway.

BTW, it might be wise to avoid the Sturgis rally dates (1st week of August), just from the aspects of room availability and traffic. FWIW

Tim (and Barbara???)

Guess it's about time to start thinking about the Montana run in Billings in 2014. Am thinking about late July, early August. Figured I'd throw this out and see what dates work best...
Bruce... could you make this a sticky for me? thanks

1. Mtrocket & Mrs Mtrocket (Rod & Cindy)
2. Patrick 2221 (Patrick & Janet)
Is this a get together or a rally or ???

Either late July or early August works for us (if vacation is approved).

I have to know the dates before the end of February 2014. Sounds strange but where I work we have to have our full years vacation time submitted before the end of February.

MarkSki = Mark & Audrey
Is this a get together or a rally or ???

Either late July or early August works for us (if vacation is approved).

I have to know the dates before the end of February 2014. Sounds strange but where I work we have to have our full years vacation time submitted before the end of February.

MarkSki = Mark & Audrey

Hey Mark:
This will be a rally/drive. I have posted the tentative itinerary on post #1.
Glad I'm getting so much response so early... I will work on hotel information early next week and post when I have it set.
Guess it's about time to start thinking about the Montana run in Billings in 2014. Am thinking about late July, early August. Figured I'd throw this out and see what dates work best...
Bruce... could you make this a sticky for me? thanks

1. Mtrocket & Mrs Mtrocket (Rod & Cindy)
2. Patrick 2221 (Patrick & Janet)
3. WB6BBZ (Jack & ? +1)
4. Graytoad (Sandy & Steve Gray)
5. Busaman (Tim & Barbara?)
6. Markski (Mark & Audrey)
7. Madmac (Brian & June)

The itinerary will be similar to that of the Montana Spring Drive 2013 that I had to postpone because of my burn accident. I will fill in the dates and hotel information as I make final arrangements.

My itinerary as of now is for everyone to be in Billings by the afternoon/evening of a Sunday. We are planning a welcome reception at our house that evening. The week will look like this:
Monday/Tuesday: Travel to Yellowstone National Park, entering at Gardiner, MT, coming out at West Yellowstone, MT, spending two night at Bucks T-4 Lodge in Big Sky. Large luggage may be left at our house during this trip so we can travel top-down. I figure that small bags can be packed on the evening of June 9 for that night at a Billings hotel, then taken on the Yellowstone trip for two nights.
Wednesday: Travel back to Billings - lunch in Bozeman. Billings to be used as a base for day trips the rest of the week.
Thursday: Day trip to Custer Battlefield (50 miles away) and Pompeys Pillar (80 miles from Custer Battlefield to Pompeys Pillar then on 30 miles back to Billings) (light day of traveling). Itinerary addition: 5-8PM... XLR car show at Yellowstone Cellars Winery, Billings
Friday: Day trip over Beartooth Highway, lunch in Cooke City, back to Billings by way of Chief Joseph Highway. Round trip around 280 miles.
Saturday: Day trip over Burgess Junction - Wyoming Highway 14A - coming out at Ranchester, Wyo and continuing home to Billings on Interstate 90. Those that care to continue to their homes from Ranchester, since they will already be 2 hours out of Billings, will have to take their luggage with them and travel top up on this trip.
Sunday: travel home.

Count me in Rod, looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Count us in.....we will be there depending on when!

Personally the end of July or the first half of August, although you may want to try to avoid the Sturgis Bike Rally Week crowd. :blinzel:

Busaman said:
BTW, it might be wise to avoid the Sturgis rally dates (1st week of August), just from the aspects of room availability and traffic. FWIW
I realize August 3-10 is the Sturgis rally, but we're not going to be traveling that direction. I think most bikes will have traveled to Sturgis by August 3 and from what I've seen in the past, the Sturgis rally doesn't really affect traffic much in Billings or the park.
Incidentally, the last week in July won't work - payroll week at Cindy's work.

I suppose I could ask and see which week in August works the best for everyone, 3-10 or 10-17??

Either week would work fine for us, the problem I see with August 10-17 is the Sturgis rally is ending and bikes are headed home... i.e. lots of bike traffic on the road.
Busaman said:
BTW, it might be wise to avoid the Sturgis rally dates (1st week of August), just from the aspects of room availability and traffic. FWIW
I realize August 3-10 is the Sturgis rally, but we're not going to be traveling that direction. I think most bikes will have traveled to Sturgis by August 3 and from what I've seen in the past, the Sturgis rally doesn't really affect traffic much in Billings or the park.
Incidentally, the last week in July won't work - payroll week at Cindy's work.

I suppose I could ask and see which week in August works the best for everyone, 3-10 or 10-17??

Either week would work fine for us, the problem I see with August 10-17 is the Sturgis rally is ending and bikes are headed home... i.e. lots of bike traffic on the road.

Sounds good to me, Rod. I'd vote for August 3-10, given your constraint on the week before. Whenever it will be, I'll bust my hump to make it.

See, I was just gonna let it go since I missed the last one due to a family emergency.
That would mean you're planning on coming to Montana next August????

I haven't been to Montana since '65 when we lived in Butte.... but I'm working on it.
Busaman said:
BTW, it might be wise to avoid the Sturgis rally dates (1st week of August), just from the aspects of room availability and traffic. FWIW
I realize August 3-10 is the Sturgis rally, but we're not going to be traveling that direction. I think most bikes will have traveled to Sturgis by August 3 and from what I've seen in the past, the Sturgis rally doesn't really affect traffic much in Billings or the park.
Incidentally, the last week in July won't work - payroll week at Cindy's work.

I suppose I could ask and see which week in August works the best for everyone, 3-10 or 10-17?? Either week would work fine for us, the problem I see with August 10-17 is the Sturgis rally is ending and bikes are headed home... i.e. lots of bike traffic on the road.

So is the date been finalized? If it is the latter, I may do both!..... but then I would have to trailer to get 2 Harleys and the XLR there.....
Busaman said:
BTW, it might be wise to avoid the Sturgis rally dates (1st week of August), just from the aspects of room availability and traffic. FWIW

So is the date been finalized? If it is the latter, I may do both!..... but then I would have to trailer to get 2 Harleys and the XLR there.....

Yes. date will be August 3-10.

I had to switch the itinerary around... couldn't get rooms at the place I wanted to stay at outside the Park early in the week so now we'll be going to Yellowstone late in the week.
Check Post #1 for update itinerary...

Um, Rod, your post above was #16. Could be a bit of a wait until #31 comes up. Were you referring to the thread for 2013, perchance???



I had to switch the itinerary around... couldn't get rooms at the place I wanted to stay at outside the Park early in the week so now we'll be going to Yellowstone late in the week.
Check Post 31 for update itinerary...
Error in post


The thread only has 17 posts--counting this one. Must be an error on checking post 31??

I had to switch the itinerary around... couldn't get rooms at the place I wanted to stay at outside the Park early in the week so now we'll be going to Yellowstone late in the week.
Check Post 31 for update itinerary...

The thread only has 17 posts--counting this one. Must be an error on checking post 31??

I think, Rod, you forgot to press the "shift" button when typing the "#" key. :chuckle

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