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XLR V Rescue Mission


Aug 14, 2022
New Orleans
My XLR/V(s)
2006 XLR-V Red
I recently purchased my first XLR V. It is a 2006 Infrared with Shale interior with 20900 miles. The original owner passed away a couple of years ago and the car was left in the care of people that were not car people. It was left partially exposed to the weather but amazingly the paint is in great shape. The interior did not fare so well. The leather on the dash and the passenger side door panel has peeled back. I was able to restore the seats and the carpeting to a level of a car with 20k miles on it, but not able to get the dash or the door panel repaired. I have had two well known interior guys look at it and they said they cannot be repaired. I was able to find a NOS dash panel for an XLR, that will do for the dash, but it won't have the leather on it. I am hoping someone out there knows where I could find these parts to be able to get this car back to its glory. Also looking for a front grill emblem. Those don't seem to exist either. I was able to repair the headlight and had to replace a taillight, OUCH that was expensive... the top does not work, but I have tracked down the issue with that and have ordered parts for it. Fingers crossed. The was also a weather strip that was missing on the driver's side window where the top goes down. Looks like that was letting water into the car. I was able find a good used one of those. I think these cars are sooo cool and I really want to get this one back on the road.

Thanks for any help.
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Big daddy caddy used to have the proper center emblem they show up on ebay but usually the part number they list is not for the correct size crest.
So good to hear you taking this on and it sounds like you’re on the right track. The V dashes have been gone for a while, the leather tends to bubble (even when we’ll cared for) & the usual solution was just to replace it. So, even though you have a different problem, that’s why you can’t find one. Maybe Google repairing leather dashes for alternative ideas - I did that for the bubble issue and collected some things to try to fix it. Haven’t gotten around to doing any of them yet.
I recently purchased my first XLR V. It is a 2006 Infrared with Shale interior with 20900 miles. The original owner passed away a couple of years ago and the car was left in the care of people that were not car people. It was left partially exposed to the weather but amazingly the paint is in great shape. The interior did not fare so well. The leather on the dash and the passenger side door panel has peeled back. I was able to restore the seats and the carpeting to a level of a car with 20k miles on it, but not able to get the dash or the door panel repaired. I have had two well known interior guys look at it and they said they cannot be repaired. I was able to find a NOS dash panel for an XLR, that will do for the dash, but it won't have the leather on it. I am hoping someone out there knows where I could find these parts to be able to get this car back to its glory. Also looking for a front grill emblem. Those don't seem to exist either. I was able to repair the headlight and had to replace a taillight, OUCH that was expensive... the top does not work, but I have tracked down the issue with that and have ordered parts for it. Fingers crossed. The was also a weather strip that was missing on the driver's side window where the top goes down. Looks like that was letting water into the car. I was able find a good used one of those. I think these cars are sooo cool and I really want to get this one back on the road.

Thanks for any help.
Hello Shakenbake.........we are a company that works on all kinds of vehicles, lambo, ferrari, mercedes all high end
vehicles, if you need to leather cover a dash or seats or trim panels etc we do it all. We specialize in aircraft interiors and auto for several yrs. Web site is Aviation Creations. The good news is I will be offering a new interior
package for XLR'S. Newly Designed quilted and perforated seating and doors new milton wool carpeting, we also do total restoration on steering wheels, so if you want alcantra and perforated leathers on steerlng wheel we offer it. If we can help you let me know. my email is leatherbizz@hotmail.com thks Ron Matta
You would be better to fine the proper gm hole punch leather and duplicate the original interior. You might find one owner wanting something custom but the wuilted pattern is already dated and on its way out from what i hear from the sema guys. Original will maintain the car and thats what most owners here would possibly be interested in. I personally like custom work but on this car , spend 5000 and lose about the same amount off what an original car would bring.
You would be better to fine the proper gm hole punch leather and duplicate the original interior. You might find one owner wanting something custom but the wuilted pattern is already dated and on its way out from what i hear from the sema guys. Original will maintain the car and thats what most owners here would possibly be interested in. I personally like custom work but on this car , spend 5000 and lose about the same amount off what an original car would bring.
I certainly appreciate your imput. I have the capability of duplicating the original interior. I will most likely become a vendor and offer xlr interiors original and custom.

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