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XLR buyers guide?


New Member
May 17, 2015
My XLR/V(s)
future owner
After many years of multiple Corvette C5 ownership I'm considering a 04-06 XLR. I've searched this site for any postings about things to look out/check for when buying, but did not turn up anything. If there is such a thread covering this I would appreciate a link to it, or if not what to check for when buying a XLR. I am aware of issues with headlamps,LED tail lamps,top hydraulics/modules.
That’s a good point. A comprehensive list sounds like something I’d start and probably never finish, but maybe I’ll take that on when I have down-time between projects. Perhaps I’ll make it a living document for people to add to (with some peer review.)
The only recommendations I've seen regard the differences between model years. If you want to buy an XLR with the least amount of future problems the '06 - '09 cars are recommended over the earlier cars. There are some minor design/engineering differences between the '03 - '05 model years and the '06 - '09 model years. Due to these changes and the slightly less age to the cars the '06 - '09 cars are claimed to be "better". Since I have one of the earlier cars I can't confirm or deny these claims.

The down side is that the later model year cars are harder to find. They're also a bit more expensive just due to age. If you have color preferences that also makes finding a specific model year car more difficult. I wanted a non-black car, inside or out, and after searching for about a year I finally found a car that suited me. But it was an '05. Just the way things worked out. I wasn't particular about what model year. I just wanted a solid car overall with a color combination I liked. The '05 is where I ended up.

If you're well healed enough and want the performance of a 'vette with the comfort of a Caddy you might consider the V-Spec cars. They are much rarer and much more expensive but they might be worth the effort. They're beyond me so I didn't go down that road.

One note of caution I can offer is that the engines are leak prone. It's a common problem on all the LeakStar v6s & V8s from Cadillac. Before you buy you would be well advised to have the engine and cooling systems evaluated for leaks. You won't be able to determine it by merely looking under the car while it is sitting on the ground. You REALLY need to get it up on a lift and examine all around the oil pan and radiator to look for leaks, weeps, or seeps. Even if you don't find leaks prior to buying a car you'll likely end up with one or more while you own it. They can be expensive to fix. Some leak repairs are more expensive than others. Even though I had my car evaluated by a local Caddy dealer before I bought it and they claimed everything was fine I had to replace the water pump, the oil filter adapter gasket, & the power steering rack shortly after buying it. I'm sure all these things were leaking BEFORE I bought it but I found no evidence when examining the car nor did the Caddy dealer that evaluated it mention these things. How or why they missed them I'll never understand.
Just a suggestion, as a 2009 XLR owner for the past 4 years. Go to your bank and ask about an Extended warranty for your car. You will be replacing gaskets , water pump , Thermostat and in my case timing chains and related parts. Unless you are a mechanic and have the time to work on your car the warranty will pay for it's self. The bank will give you a better price than the advertised warranty companys.
Just a suggestion, as a 2009 XLR owner for the past 4 years. Go to your bank and ask about an Extended warranty for your car. You will be replacing gaskets , water pump , Thermostat and in my case timing chains and related parts. Unless you are a mechanic and have the time to work on your car the warranty will pay for it's self. The bank will give you a better price than the advertised warranty companys.
Hi what do you mean by goig to your bank to buy a warranty csn you explain I never heard of going to a bank to purchase a warranty for a car thanks Joe
In Florida some banks sell extended mechanical warranty plans. You would have to check with your bank to see if they offer this service. I just purchased a mechanical breakdown warranty from TOCO for my 2009 XLR. Full coverage including all of the electrical modules and computers in our cars. They were the only company I found that covers those parts. It is based on your current mileage as to the cost of the plan. I only have 59000 miles on my car. It is also a month to month payment plan, cancel any time. 90 day waiting period and 1000 miles.
In Florida some banks sell extended mechanical warranty plans. You would have to check with your bank to see if they offer this service. I just purchased a mechanical breakdown warranty from TOCO for my 2009 XLR. Full coverage including all of the electrical modules and computers in our cars. They were the only company I found that covers those parts. It is based on your current mileage as to the cost of the plan. I only have 59000 miles on my car. It is also a month to month payment plan, cancel any time. 90 day waiting period and 1000 miles.
After many years of multiple Corvette C5 ownership I'm considering a 04-06 XLR. I've searched this site for any postings about things to look out/check for when buying, but did not turn up anything. If there is such a thread covering this I would appreciate a link to it, or if not what to check for when buying a XLR. I am aware of issues with headlamps,LED tail lamps,top hydraulics/modules.
My personal experience, I also would probably stay aware from the 04-05 models due to the problems that they had. I was in your situation in 2011 decided on a 2006-v black/cashmere 1 owner car with 11,000 miles. Although I don't drive it alot, currently 18,800miles. It's been a great car, only things I replaced were the push button ignition switch (it cracked) and the hood struts. Actually, I'm thinking of trading for a 2025 vette in the spring to try something different even though I haven't driven a new corvette yet. If you wanna talk contact me at boomergobel@gmail.com
In Florida some banks sell extended mechanical warranty plans. You would have to check with your bank to see if they offer this service. I just purchased a mechanical breakdown warranty from TOCO for my 2009 XLR. Full coverage including all of the electrical modules and computers in our cars. They were the only company I found that covers those parts. It is based on your current mileage as to the cost of the plan. I only have 59000 miles on my car. It is also a month to month payment plan, cancel any time. 90 day waiting period and 1000 miles.
I looked at the TOCO site and noticed something worth pointing out. They limit the lifetime payout to $15K and single claims to the NADA trade-in value which is $11,500 for an ‘09. I’m not saying it isn’t a good option, I’m just mentioning something from the fine print to weigh against the premium cost.
A member on a jaguar forum i saw is fighting them over a module that is not available and they wont pay him anything. Talk to a service dept and see what their experience has been with them. I read a little of their site and saw several ways they can deny a claim. But your mileage may be different
Thinking out loud for XLR specific stuff, beyond the usual used car mechanical inspection items:
Make sure the headlights and taillights all work (including individual LEDs in the taillights) and are not cracked (replacements are hard to find)
Confirm the operation of the top
Check for evidence of water in the top motor well in the trunk
V-series cars: check the coolant crossover line next to the PS fluid reservoir for wear
Double check the latch on the compartment between the seats, and the covers over the cup holders
Scan it with a Tech2 if possible, in case any of the modules are throwing a warning
Check for leaky shocks (replacements are hard to find)
I think while I’m trying to fill time with the out-laws this Christmas, I’ll attack this.

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