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W/shieild Pillar Trim,neutral ,right

Steve Lee

Seasoned Member
Oct 17, 2017
spring hill
My XLR/V(s)
Well, "Dad Gum" them! They didn't send my money back!! They just sent me spanking new trim piece!! Uh, in case anyone is interested... That part on and '05 X L R is NEUTRAL!! it's a kind of "cocoa" color, and they changed it in I believe '06 and up to black, regardless of the interior color.The new parts are out there; you just have to "do your homework" and you''ll find them!! I have (2) 1950 Fords that I restored, and I have found an unbelievable amount of "New Old Stock" parts for them; a lot of the parts I found were ones that others said "couldn't be found," but I found them. If I make a call, and that source doesn't have what I want, I ask, "Do you know someone that might have it?" They then give me one, and sometimes more, places to call. I just keep calling until I find what I want!! Someone, somewhere,has that part you want; in their attic, garage, or on a shelf. Just watch "pickers" on TV and see the items that they find!!! That's how I found this part. Someone said, "Have you tried so and so?" "No, I haven't" "Give them a call, the have a lot of new parts that nobody else has." So, I called them. and the lady said,"Yes, we have that part in our warehouse." I ordered it and BINGO!! be relentless, don't give up!" I coined this phrase a while back:"Only losers give up; winners never give up!!"I sincerely helps you find that coveted part your looking for!!!

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