I thought I'd better report in! We're probably the last ones to get home. Made it home late afternoon Monday. Good to be home, but, the trip was a blast!! Thanks Mike & Amy!! Getting home did have a little bit of drama. Remember that gas Station by our hotel in OBX? Just starting home, getting gas I almost had a BIG 4-wheel drive truck with big oversize muddies back into us there

. I didn't know Rogene could scream that loud! Got to the hotel in WV and we had a fire alarm (sound familiar Ken?). Got to the hotel by St Louis, they had a down pour rain storm, and the power went out at the hotel, (hotels are dark!). And then the guy who wanted to switch lanes beside me (another loud scream!). But we're HOME!! The trip was sure a lot fun!! Again thanks Mike & Amy, and I forgot to thank Bob for the plaques!!! I owe you a lunch/dinner next trip!! Hope to see everyone later!!
Chad & Rogene