Says the guy who has been pouting since I pointed out how slim the chances of you EVER bringing an affordable 3D-printed headlight to market. I'm still waiting to see that product. If you can pull it off, I'll be stupefied and admit I was wrong. However. . .
Your only consistent behavior here has been generating ill-will toward the other members.
You whined and said you were done with this forum. Then you back-tracked and returned:
"well apparently people cannot read. I made a very good offer to take their old one in trade. I have sold 2 at 3000$ And traded one new one for a used one and 800$ plus about 6 have sold for more than that on
ebay so that must be the value. I am laughing with the nay sayers all the way to the bank as I have a source for a dozen more if needed or I want to spend my time on selling them. I am retired and do not need any money. I have more than I need. Proceeds actually go to a very worthy medical center in Nashville. Just like to find ways to help people and enjoy what I am doing with my spare time hobby. XLR folks don't need any help. T-bird guys have welcomed me with open arms and my 2 projects there have been well supported. Actually gotten many positive feedbacks from people there who read the posts on xlr. Goodbye"
I don't need to prove my ability to you whatsoever. In a few years when I retire and have the time, I might provide a lower-cost alternative for owners to get their lights repaired. They deserve a better value for their hard-earned money than what's currently offered.
You PM'd me awhile back saying I couldn't handle the truth. I laughed so hard I never found time to reply.
Until now.
With almost forty years of electronic repair experience for the Defense Department (Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic) and Aerospace Industry, (Engineer) and certified to NASA-level electronic repair standards for most of that time, (I train and certify craftsman to build and inspect at this level now (IPC/CIT) as a collateral duty) I'm more than up to the task. Automotive tail light repair is not rocket science, --and I'm very aware of the difference. How 'bout you Mr. Big-Talk?
What's the most expensive piece of hardware you've ever held in your hands? What's the most expensive system you have ever worked on? You'd last less than five minutes in a clean room with all the hot air you expel.
You presume much to judge me or comment on my abilities. Why not put your paper where your mouth is? (Remember, you called me out, so I'm just responding to correct what I feel is an error on your part.)
I've got an even better challenge for you: We post our certifications and awards here, and if mine can somehow top yours, you leave the forum forever. Deal? --And no signing up under a different alias later on, okay?
The common theme repeated in your posts leads me to believe you're little more than an opportunistic poser hoping to make a buck off of the good people here. Fortunately, your skills don't back the hype, so you appear to have failed there too. If you want to offer a service, why not become a paying sponsor?
Those of us who have been long-time forum members have seen a number of Big-Talkers over the years. Thankfully, they didn't last long and found other bridges to troll from under.
Keep digging, you've got nowhere else to go but up at this point, since you've hit rock bottom. The PMs I get regarding your behavior toward others would second that.
You've made my Ignore list, so you needn't bother with a reply. I suggest you add me to yours and save yourself further embarrassment, at least as far as the truth is concerned. . .