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New. China tail lights for 1300?


Seasoned Member
Apr 5, 2017
North Atlanta
Ran across an ad. For newchina tail lights for 1300. Photos look suspect as the back side has some gm paper stickers on them but the light itself does look new. Its on ebay. I made an offer for one at 900 to see how low they may go. If this is any where near as good as some of the engine parts this may be a good deal. If nothing else may drop the price of used ones down under a thousand.
If anyones bought one of these let me know.
There is a company listing them on aliexperess. I ordered a set and all I got was an offer to buy one used export version tail light. (Exports have orange turn signal lights)

No new ones out there yet.
Just show how they share product and warehouses. Someone bought one side as they had them listed on ebay as new. Thete where about 15 listings making it look like a whole bunch of new. As you found out they had two used export lights. What i saw was exports dont reqjire the side marker which may be in the light just not hooked up did not see the orange turnsignals

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