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Locked Doors

Steve Lee

Seasoned Member
Oct 17, 2017
spring hill
My XLR/V(s)
Lately my car seems to have a mind of it's own. Many times now, the little red light on the door window sill is on, and the doors won't open.I can usually push and hold the unlock on the key fob for a second or two, and the doors will open. Why is this doing this all of a sudden?? I've tried just pushing the unlock symbol on the key fob, but that doesn't always make the doors unlock? I haven't done anything, that I know of, to make this happen.:dunno: Could it be the battery in the key fob is getting weak? I bought the car last October, and I have no idea if that battery was ever replaced; and the car is a 2005 model. P.S. The switch on the inside driver's door panel is in the "unlock" position.
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Make sure the FOB is in your pocket, not in your hand when attempting to open the doors. It interferes with opening on mine sometimes , maybe the same with yours?

Is the door lock/unlock button stuck in the unlock position as you mention? It’s a rocker switch and should return to center when pressed. If it’s stuck in unlock, it might be causing problems.
If I have a problem with my car the first thing I do is check the batteries. I would change the battery in the fob especially due to the fact you're not sure when and if it was ever changed. I would also change the chassis battery. I would do this so I would have a starting point for future issues. When I bought my 06 I changed both of these batteries within the first few months of ownership and so far so good.
John F.
Fireduck 69,

Are you speaking of the rocker switch on the driver's inside door panel?? I f so, mine is in the "unlock" position; I did not know that it was a rocker switch.

I'm going to check it , and if it is a rocker switch, I'll neutralize it.
I am going to change the battery in the key fob, for the reason that you explained. I had already thought the same as you about that situation!
No. I just checked it ; it's in the neutral position. (centered)

The top rocker switch above vent should automatically come back, after pushing it, just like your, up and down window switches, it’s like spring loaded, and the rocker switch, below the vent, is your left/neutral/right mirror adjustment switch which will stay where you let it! My suggestion first is try a new battery for like around $5 you pick up most any stores! I always have an extra battery in the car and one in the house you never know when they will die! I even carry 1 in my wallet or wife purse when going on a trip! Hope this helps


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Changed the key fob battery this morning.Very hard to open that fob; I thought I was going to break it!! I'll know if that fixes it tomorrow, because it seems that if I try to open the door after an hour or so, or later in the day after using the car, the door opens as it should; But overnight it goes into "lock down" , and in the morning it gives me fits, and I have to push and hold the "unlock" on the fob a couple of times to get to open the door.I'll know tomorrow!!!
I’m assuming you keep the car in a garage overnight. Is there any kind of transmitter in the area that might effect the door system? Maybe a Wi-Fi router near by or a microwave? Just shooting in the dark but maybe something in the overnight area is confusing the receiver.
It is garaged overnight; but nothing like that near it, to screw up the electronics. I changed the battery in the fob last night, and lately after running errands, and putting the car away, the next morning it will give me the problem. Went in the garage this AM and the door opened right up! I assume that new battery in the fob fixed it;I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Lately my car seems to have a mind of it's own. Many times now, the little red light on the door window sill is on, and the doors won't open.I can usually push and hold the unlock on the key fob for a second or two, and the doors will open. Why is this doing this all of a sudden?? I've tried just pushing the unlock symbol on the key fob, but that doesn't always make the doors unlock? I haven't done anything, that I know of, to make this happen.:dunno: Could it be the battery in the key fob is getting weak? I bought the car last October, and I have no idea if that battery was ever replaced; and the car is a 2005 model. P.S. The switch on the inside driver's door panel is in the "unlock" position.[/QUOTEMy passenger door sometimes fails to open using the push button on the armrest.
It is quite a task to replace it I am told. I believe Corvette has the same switch. Aggravating.
I, for one, don't have a cell phone, and wouldn't own one. That just let's the world call you, any time of the day or night, even when your on the toilet!!!

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