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Had my Top cylinders replaced

Bill S.

Seasoned Member
Jun 26, 2018
Jensen Beach, FL
My XLR/V(s)
2006 V, Raven Black with Shale interior

'06 V here, 77 K on the clock. Just had my top hydraulic cylinders replaced. (all eight) If you live in Florida I can recommend Justin Duthie of Strictly Saab in Melbourne , Florida. Klaus, of Top Hydraulics recommended Justin to me. Was a 150 mile round trip, but well worth it. Took the V and left it with Justin. He removed the cylinders and sent them to Klaus at Top Hydraulics. Klaus rebuilt them and returned them to Justin. Justin reinstalled the cylinders and all is well ! Could not be happier with the rebuild Klaus did and with Justin's professionalism and business ethic. Top works great. Justin has all the necessary tools required, plus a Tech II for top learning, and he keeps you updated as to the job status.

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'06 V here, 77 K on the clock. Just had my top hydraulic cylinders replaced. (all eight) If you live in Florida I can recommend Justin Duthie of Strictly Saab in Melbourne , Florida. Klaus, of Top Hydraulics recommended Justin to me. Was a 150 mile round trip, but well worth it. Took the V and left it with Justin. He removed the cylinders and sent them to Klaus at Top Hydraulics. Klaus rebuilt them and returned them to Justin. Justin reinstalled the cylinders and all is well ! Could not be happier with the rebuild Klaus did and with Justin's professionalism and business ethic. Top works great. Justin has all the necessary tools required, plus a Tech II for top learning, and he keeps you updated as to the job status.

Thanks for the report. Klaus and the crew received my hydraulic pump today for rebuild. My Cadi shop is willing to do the installation. Got chrome rims and custom'd caliper covers coming by the end of the month.. Can you feel my excitement...

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