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Fuel gauge


Seasoned Member
Nov 13, 2016
Gibsonia, Pa
My XLR/V(s)
2004 Raven Black xlr 2009 sts4
Filled the fuel tanks. Started the car and the fuel gauge shows approx 3/4 tank. I was told the fuel level sensors in the tank were bad. Had BOTH sensors replaced at the Caddy dealer. He tested them and said the new ones were working. Filled the fuel tank. Started the car and the fuel gauge went to 3/4 and the approx miles it said I could go was like 153 miles. Neither is correct. Could the fuel gauge be stuck or defective? It costs $4200 to change the tank sensors so I'm a just a little bit leary of going back to the caddy dealer. Module maybe? Change the gauge? Any help would be appreciated.
Forgot to say its a 2004 base and it runs perfectly.
Take it back and tell them , Fix it or give me my money back. That the highest I have seen charged for the job. It is a lot of work but its nuts and bolts and most shops let a third rate mechanic do the heavy lifting . A tech should have run a tech 2 test on it before it was ever buttoned back up. This is a job that a good corvette shop will do for around 3000 or less. That is the proper repair. replace the pumps and the sender unit is part of the pump. You paid to have it fixed and obviously its not. Its not the gauge.
As Mickeytee said this is not a gauge problem or the ecm that runs it. The fuel in the right tank goes down first. It keeps the left tank topped off. Then the left tank drains. The ecm monitors this and logs a few different faults depending on what it sees. Unfortunately, it will not always display a fuel system fault on the dic display. Often it does just what you are experiencing. If you clear the faults the fuel gauge will read correctly until the the ecm sees the problem again. I have been living with a similar intermittant problem for years. Cadillac dealer couldn't fix it after trying repeatedly. I stopped taking it to them when the warranty ran out. The problem with mine is the right tank intermittently stops supplying fuel and the left tank draws down first. It will run out of fuel and die with fuel remaining in the right tank. Be warned! The Tech2 tool shows the individual tank levels and I use it to monitor and reset faults. This is a Corvette fuel system so +1 on taking it to a good Corvette shop. I hope this helps!

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