Are there any xlr clubs in the Houston - Woodlands area?
David and any Houston area XLR owners that may be interested,
I have been a member of the Allante' club in Houston for years and they are open to all XLR owners to participate in their activities and meetings. It's a small informal club with no dues or membership formalities. I sometimes bring my XLRV to the meetings and currently am the only member with a XLR, but would like to see more. They are actually meeting today, but I will not be able to make today's meeting. Here is the announcement for today's meeting. They also have a Facebook page "Allante XLR Texas".
Dear Texas Allante Aficionados - Our 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] coffee meeting for 2016 is
this Sunday morning at 10:30am, February 14[SUP]th[/SUP], (Valentine’s Day) at Café Express on Post Oak @ Loop 610-West in Uptown Houston (regular location). Also see 2016 meeting schedule on Main Houston Web Page:
TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America
Sunday Agenda: Café Express:
1) Member Introductions
2) Keel’s & Wheel’s Show Entry Deadline: April 23-24[SUP]th[/SUP] Seabrook, Texas
3) Member technical issues
4) Adjourn
John Maida
Houston-Southeast Texas Coordinator, Allanté Club of America
Main Houston Web Page:
TX: Houston - Allanté Club of America
General Websites:
Allant Appreciation Group Home Page
Keel’s & Wheels Show April 23-24, Seabrook, Texas
General Link from (Nick Ferrantino)
Ferrantino Pace Car - Festa Italiana – St. Thomas University, Houston, October 2015