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Certified Cadillac XLR Mechanic in Arizona

David XLR-V

Active Member
Jul 26, 2016
My XLR/V(s)
2006 XLR-V, Raven black
I see many threads on here where XLR owners have taken their vehicle to the dealer, or even trusted mechanic, and are unable to identify the problem. That is the reason why I am sharing my mechanic's information on this site. His name is Danny (I actually got his information from another member on here which I am forever grateful for, and we have since become friends) and my 2006 XLR V runs better now than it ever has. Plus, I can drive it now without constantly worrying that if something breaks down I won't be able to fix it, or the cost of the repair will be outside of my budget. Of course, that is assuming the part is available! Even then, he has taught me that in some cases there are parts that can be substituted, and some with a little tweaking, and your XLR will at least be on the road and not parked with no options.

Part of the reason he is so knowledgeable is he was involved in the development and the programming for the XLR and Vs. He is one of the few actual certified XLR techs in the world. Good guy to know if you own one of these unique cars. On top of that, when the XLR first came out they had a certification program for mechanics and he was not only part of setting that up, but is, of course, is one those certified techs.

If you have an issue with your XLR or V that has been unable to be diagnosed or fixed, chances are Danny fix it and for waaaaay less than the dealer would charge you.

Of course, you'd have to get your XLR or XLR V down here to Arizona, but that might be worth the trip to get your car back on the road!

Here is his info:
Danny Smith
Legends Luxury Auto Repair
2412 N Scottsdale Rd, Tempe, AZ 85281
(480) 947-2848
Website: Cadillac, Corvette, & GM Service & Repair | Legends Luxury Auto Repair
Get a repair estimate: Auto Repair Estimate | Form Submit | Legends Luxury Auto Repair

I hope this helps someone get their baby back on the road!
Danny is the best,,,,,

:thumbsup I've known Danny for many years now, and he is "as advertised" as a XLR Tech,,, plus Danny is good for all of your other GM vehicles as well. Recently, Danny installed a new harmonic balancer in my Corvette. I can't say enough about Danny and his Legends Luxury repair facility,,,,he's that good and will not bleed you for parts/labor.

I'll give Danny 5 Stars!



^ > GM Master certified, XLR Master certified, and ASE Advanced certified technician

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