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2005 XLR with Top control module complication


New Member
Mar 2, 2023
Port Huron Michigan
I bought my 2005 a couple years ago and the second week in after the purchase the car the Suspension control module fried due to the dreaded water management issues. I found a bypass and had it installed but then found that the top control module (which is next to the SCM) had failed due to the same water leak (the leak has been repaired). I got a new module and took it to a dealership to install and program the module. During the install they did program the new vin to the top control module but then noted the new SCM. At this point the top control module was not fully installed in the software of the car and the dealer stopped all work seeing a non original SCM in place. They will not finish the install and the TCM is throwing security codes and causing the car to be limited in speed as well as not putting top down or allow trunk to open...So my question is...is there a hack for this stupid module too? car is a boat anchor with the thrown security codes....thanks...
The top control modu!e is not coded to the vin. If you got a new one with the latest update it shoukd work fine. The the control moduke does not have anything to do with the suspension module. sounds like you got an idiot dealer. If you hought one of the little plastic box simulators and your suspension module does not have a travtion or service light on the dash you shoukd not have any problems. If you bought a hsed module off ebay you kost likely git a bad one as they claim to check them but cannot without operating the top and most junk yards might start it up but dont know how to properly check the top operating system. I just read your car is limited to speed . thats not the top module but a failed suspension module. The bypass you bought wont fix that. Its just a bypass for the position sensors The suspension module .has to be in working condition for the bypass to work. The others errors are most likely due to the harness being corroded in the trunk. The starting system runs thru the suspension module. And when installing the top module the dealer most likely moved or damged some of the wiring.

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