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  • hello rexster.you seem to be have the most knowledge on these cars on this forum.Question.i have a 2004.I know its an 1 year only key fob.Is it possible to change the rcdlr from another newer year car,with a tech2 .to make it easier to get key fobs?Thank you
    I'm not for sure. More than likely it wouldn't work since there was a lot of changes from the 04/05 series to the 06 on up even trying to program it with the Tech II
    Thanks for the notes you entered on the start button replacement in 2015. It is 2023 and I will be going thru the same process and will use your notes as well as the other gentlemen's who was so thorough in his instructions. My local Cadillac dealer didn't want to work on it. I have the 7mm and tape ready. Wish me luck.
    You're referring. to C.C. Clarke, a veritable library of all things XLR. He was here when I joined.
    Hello rexster Not sure if previous not got to you. If you run with fog lights on are the DLR lights on ? Trying to get around the DLR burn. Thanks CRRHGR
    Yes, turn on fogs. I replaced the fogs with led bulbs when I first got the car. I was concerned about my dlr's as they had already started to darken. I make it a habit of turning on the fogs when I start the car.
    is there a step by step guide to remove the inner door panel on a 2005 xlr?
    Michael B
    Michael B
    Yes I've done it many times. Call me . I'm new at the posting and writing a manual it seems but can't get it done in 420. Or maybe I can . Lol . You can call or text 904-607-9264 Mike
    Hi- I think you are the most knowledgeable XLR person out there. My XLR 2006 needs a turn signal bulb and a headlamp bulb. Do you inow where I can find one or is there a aftermarket bulb that will interchange?
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